Felix is an outdoor adventure and lifestyle photographer.
He is now based in Mont-Tremblant Québec, but has stayed close to his roots in British-Colombia where he lived for over 10 years.
7 years of training and racing as a professional mountain-bike racer, camera at hand, has allowed Felix explore the intersection of sport and art whilst simultaneously developping his skills in challenging environments. This has earned him a feeling of ease in rugged terrain and harsh conditions as well as the ability to endure discomfort for extended periods of time during difficult photo assignments.
It's being present in challenging moments, using the lens in a participatory fashion to photograph characters thriving in difficult environments, that inspires Felix's work.
Following professionnal adventure athletes with camera equipment allows for moments to be captured that would otherwise be left unrecorded, moments that lie, for example, at the end of long winter's day skiing through wind and snow.
Select Clients :
Tourisme Mont-Tremblant
Timberline Academy